داستان آبیدیک

specialized content knowledge


1 عمومی:: دانش محتوایی تخصصی

The Learning Mathematics for leaching Project ( Ball et al. 2008; Hill et al. 2008) identifies four important components of teacher knowledge: Common Content Know ledge (CCK , Specialized Content Knowledge (SCK), Knowledge of Content and Students ( KCS), and Knowledge of Content and Teaching (KCT). Wc also predicted that there would be the potential for teachers to gain new content knowledge as they participated in the lesson study, particularly as they explored possible mathematical topics for the focus of the lessons For this study we were not concerned whether this content knowledge was common to knowledge able adults (CCK ) or specific to teachers (SCK ), so we chose to combine CCK and SCK into one ty pe of knowledge.Teacher Content Knowledge (TCK), to clarify our

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